Annual VIFC Membership Meeting
January 20, 2024, 2 pm
Country Store, Upstairs
Call to Order: President Lotta Gavel Adams called the annual membership meeting to order at 2:00 pm and welcomed about 40 members in attendance.
President’s Report to the Membership: President Gavel-Adams reported on the Club’s activities during 2023.
Pruning workshops were led by Glenn Gray, Diane Emerson, and Jerry Gehrke. Laure Jansen also demonstrated stone pruning at the Sunrise Ridge Orchard.
The Cider Guild hosted two orchard tours and an open house at the Orchard.
The club celebrated completion of the Orchard signage project in July.
The Annual Summer Picnic and Salmon Bake was held beside the Orchard in August.
Dan Connolly was recognized as Volunteer of the Year for 2023.
The Vashon Library served as a meeting place for several educational programs for members.
Ciderfest 2023 was a success for VIFC. The Cider Guild and Vashon Chamber of Commerce were very active in making it successful.
Audit Report: Ron Weston and Jerry Gehrke met with Treasurer Ladd Leavens to conduct an audit of the VIFC treasurer’s books. Ron Weston reported that the Audit committee completed the audit and found no issues
Membership Report: Ladd Leavens reported that there are now 170 family memberships, up from 140 at last January’s annual meeting.
Nomination to Lifetime Membership: Jerry Gehrke was nominated and approved for lifetime membership in the Club.
Orchard Report: Orchard Manager Emily MacRae described Jerry Gehrke’s many critical contributions to the establishment and development of the Fruit Club’s Doctor Bob Norton Memorial Orchard. She also announced the formation of a solar subcommittee to prioritize uses and funding for the orchard.
Election of Board Members: Lotta presented the slate of nominees for the board together with current members and dates of term expiration.
Following adjournment, members shared orchard successes and challenges experienced in 2023. They also enjoyed sampling cider from varieties of apples harvested in the Fruit Club’s and members’ orchards.
Current Board Members
Offices: Nominee or Current Term
President Vacant 2026
Vice President Harry Klee 2025
Treasurer Ladd Leavens 2025
Secretary Lisa Loeffler 2026
At-Large Positions Nominee or Current Term
Orchard Manager Emily MacRae 2025
Field Events Laure Jansen 2026
Special Events Megan Main Poppick 2025
Orchard Team Steve Coddington 2025
Retreat Leader/Orchard Darby Kreuger 2026
Blueberry Specialist/Orchard Cheryl Grunbock 2026