A Brief History of Fruit Growing on Vashon
Please join Vashon Island Fruit Club for a very special program by Professor Bruce Haulman,
Vashon’s own historian, on the history of Vashon orchards and fruit growing.
Bruce, a retired professor of history, is author of two books on Vashon History - Images of America: Vashon-Maury Island (2011) and A Brief History of Vashon Island (2016).
Bruce is also the President of the Vashon Heritage Museum, writes the weekly “It’s Your History” and occasional “Time & Again” pieces for the Vashon Island Beachcomber, and gives monthly Second Friday Talks at the Vashon Senior Center.
You must RSVP to attend: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1HfiSeinMKq1YQ4PFqdmNGWSTt4aWRJrMjfb3UJyVBn8/edit
Event will take place at Vashon Land Trust located at 10014 SW Bank Rd, Vashon, WA 98070

Vashon Island Fruit Club Fall Fruit Show
Discover Vashon's Heritage Apples at the Autumn Harvest Celebration
Don't miss this chance to immerse yourself in the rich legacy of Vashon's orchards.
Mark your calendar for the Vashon Island Fruit Club's (VIFC) Bountiful Autumn Harvest Celebration on Saturday, October 19th from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM at the Vashon Island Land Trust.
This family-friendly event is free and open to all. Explore a captivating display of heritage Vashon fruit varieties, curated by VIFC and Seattle Tree Fruit Society lifetime member Lorine Brakken, along with VIFC orchardist Laure Jensen.
Bring your mystery apples for expert identification by Lorine and Laure, and turn your harvest into refreshing apple juice to take home.
To have your apples IDed, please print out the form at:
Before you arrive, complete one form for each apple you bring to be identified. It’s important you complete the process as described.
For more information or to volunteer, email Laure@vashonislandfruitclub.org or visit VashonIslandFruitClub.org.

Orchard Maintenance & Mentoring
Dr. Bob Norton Memorial Orchard (map)
Orchard Maintenance & Mentoring takes place at the Dr. Bob Norton Memorial Orchard and is a community-driven initiative focused on preserving and caring for the orchard while providing a dynamic learning space.
Open to individuals of all skill levels, from novices to experts, the program aims to teach valuable skills in orchard maintenance, sustainable agriculture, and community engagement.

Vashon CiderFest
Join us at Vashon Village for CiderFest, when the Vashon community celebrates all things cider! The day will be filled with fun events, exhibits and treats for all ages.

Orchard Maintenance & Mentoring
Dr. Bob Norton Memorial Orchard (map)
Orchard Maintenance & Mentoring takes place at the Dr. Bob Norton Memorial Orchard and is a community-driven initiative focused on preserving and caring for the orchard while providing a dynamic learning space.
Open to individuals of all skill levels, from novices to experts, the program aims to teach valuable skills in orchard maintenance, sustainable agriculture, and community engagement.

Orchard Maintenance & Mentoring
Orchard Maintenance & Mentoring takes place at the Dr. Bob Norton Memorial Orchard and is a community-driven initiative focused on preserving and caring for the orchard while providing a dynamic learning space.
Open to individuals of all skill levels, from novices to experts, the program aims to teach valuable skills in orchard maintenance, sustainable agriculture, and community engagement.

Mastering Eco-Friendly Pest Control: A Workshop on Codling Moth Management with Dr. Jaime Pinero
Please join Vashon Island Fruit Club in welcoming Dr. Jaime Pinero and graduate student Ajay Giri in this exciting IPM workshop targeting CODLING MOTH.
Discover eco-friendly pest control tips that are suitable for homeowners, small-scale growers, and orchard enthusiasts. Three topics will be covered: biology and monitoring of codling moth; attract-and-kill systems; and organic materials that can be applied to control codling moth.
Dr. Pinero is Extension Professor at the Center for Agriculture, Food and Environment at U. Massachusetts Amherst. His research integrates chemical, behavioral, and biological methods of insect control, including better understanding of the ecology of pests and their natural enemies.
In person at Vashon Library and on Zoom.
Zoom Link: https://umass-amherst.zoom.us/j/97162393210

VIFC Annual Summer Picnic & Salmon BBQ
We’ll meet under the large alder trees at Dr. Bob Norton Memorial Orchard. Salmon, hot dogs, veggie dogs will be provided by VIFC and club members will bring their favorite dish to contribute to the picnic.

Orchard Maintenance & Mentoring
Orchard Maintenance & Mentoring takes place at the Dr. Bob Norton Memorial Orchard and is a community-driven initiative focused on preserving and caring for the orchard while providing a dynamic learning space.
Open to individuals of all skill levels, from novices to experts, the program aims to teach valuable skills in orchard maintenance, sustainable agriculture, and community engagement.

Get Hands-On with Orchard Restoration!
Laure Jensen will lead a discussion on why, how, and when to prune mature apple trees. This will be a demonstration as well as some hands-on pruning.
Register and receive email with address and digital study handout.
What you'll gain:
Expert knowledge: Understand the importance of pruning for orchard health and fruit production.
Practical skills: Learn the proper techniques for pruning mature apple trees.
Hands-on experience: Get valuable practice under the guidance of an expert.
Valuable resources: Receive a digital study handout and email with the orchard address.
** Bring pruners, pruning saws, water; dress appropriately. We will provide snacks, ladders, wheelbarrows for cleanup.

Orchard Maintenance & Mentoring
Dr. Bob Norton Memorial Orchard (map)
Orchard Maintenance & Mentoring takes place at the Dr. Bob Norton Memorial Orchard and is a community-driven initiative focused on preserving and caring for the orchard while providing a dynamic learning space.
Open to individuals of all skill levels, from novices to experts, the program aims to teach valuable skills in orchard maintenance, sustainable agriculture, and community engagement.

Vashon Strawberry Festival
The Vashon Island Strawberry Festival is one of the largest events on Vashon Island that is sponsored by the Vashon Chamber of Commerce.
The festival has been going on for over 50 years. Folks from all around the world come to the annual festival on Vashon.

Orchard Maintenance & Mentoring
Dr. Bob Norton Memorial Orchard (map)
Orchard Maintenance & Mentoring takes place at the Dr. Bob Norton Memorial Orchard and is a community-driven initiative focused on preserving and caring for the orchard while providing a dynamic learning space.
Open to individuals of all skill levels, from novices to experts, the program aims to teach valuable skills in orchard maintenance, sustainable agriculture, and community engagement.

Biondo Farm Tour
Join us at La Biondo Farm & Kitchen to tour a local farmstand springing into full production

Stone Fruit Pruning Workshop
Mark your calendar as Emily McRae and Laure Jensen will guide you through the intricacies of Stone Fruit Pruning.
From peaches to plums, this workshop will equip you with the skills needed to shape and care for your stone fruit trees.
Learn about timing, techniques, and the science behind pruning for optimal fruit production.
Whether you're a backyard enthusiast or an orchard owner, this event promises to elevate your stone fruit cultivation knowledge.

Food Preservation & Mukai Barreling Plant Renovation
Abby Antonelis and Catherine Johnson will discuss VIGA’s programs, including how Fruit Club members can contribute to VIGA’s food preservation project that serves island families, and present the Mukai barreling plant renovation to create a food and farming innovation center for Vashon.

Orchard Maintenance & Mentoring
Orchard Maintenance & Mentoring takes place at the Dr. Bob Norton Memorial Orchard and is a community-driven initiative focused on preserving and caring for the orchard while providing a dynamic learning space.
Open to individuals of all skill levels, from novices to experts, the program aims to teach valuable skills in orchard maintenance, sustainable agriculture, and community engagement

Orchard Maintenance & Mentoring
Orchard Maintenance & Mentoring takes place at the Dr. Bob Norton Memorial Orchard and is a community-driven initiative focused on preserving and caring for the orchard while providing a dynamic learning space.
Open to individuals of all skill levels, from novices to experts, the program aims to teach valuable skills in orchard maintenance, sustainable agriculture, and community engagement.

Blueberry Pruning Workshop
Dive into the art of Blueberry Cultivation and Pruning with Cheryl Grunbock.
Discover the secrets to promoting optimal growth and ensuring bountiful harvests from your blueberry bushes.
This informative workshop will cover pruning strategies tailored to different blueberry varieties, addressing common challenges, and providing practical tips for maintaining healthy plants.
Don't miss this opportunity to boost your blueberry cultivation expertise!

Orchard Maintenance & Mentoring
Orchard Maintenance & Mentoring takes place at the Dr. Bob Norton Memorial Orchard and is a community-driven initiative focused on preserving and caring for the orchard while providing a dynamic learning space.
Open to individuals of all skill levels, from novices to experts, the program aims to teach valuable skills in orchard maintenance, sustainable agriculture, and community engagement

Orchard Maintenance & Mentoring
Orchard Maintenance & Mentoring takes place at the Dr. Bob Norton Memorial Orchard and is a community-driven initiative focused on preserving and caring for the orchard while providing a dynamic learning space.
Open to individuals of all skill levels, from novices to experts, the program aims to teach valuable skills in orchard maintenance, sustainable agriculture, and community engagement.

The ABCs of Mason Bees with Jerry Gehrke
Spring weather can be hard on orchard pollination, but one way to improve the odds of a good fruit year is to bring in the bees: mason bees, to be exact. Please join Vashon Island Mason Bee Guru Jerry Gehrke for a timely presentation on the annual cycle of mason bees, including how to obtain, care for, use and propagate bees. This program is timed to help orchardists get ready for Spring 2024 pollination.

Apple & Pear Pruning Workshop
Join us for a hands-on workshop on Winter Pruning of Apple & Pear Trees led by the Orchardist Specialist Laure Jensen.
Learn essential techniques for shaping and maintaining healthy apple and pear trees.
Whether you're a seasoned gardener or a novice, this event offers valuable insights into maximizing fruit production. Bring your pruners and get ready to advance your orchard skills!

Orchard Maintenance & Mentoring
Orchard Maintenance & Mentoring takes place at the Dr. Bob Norton Memorial Orchard and is a community-driven initiative focused on preserving and caring for the orchard while providing a dynamic learning space.
Open to individuals of all skill levels, from novices to experts, the program aims to teach valuable skills in orchard maintenance, sustainable agriculture, and community engagement.